Acceptance is key

Acceptance is key

Hi Angels, if you’re reading this it means that you truly understood the importance behind my last blog post. It took me a very long time to understand that I am not the only person on this earth that goes through messed up, horrible, unthinkable situations. That it truly can be worse. Obviously in real time we often feel so alone that we tend to feel so sorry for ourselves and spiral into a pit of never ending thoughts. Which is OK. It is OK to feel sadness. It is OK to feel hopelessness. We as individuals have every right to feel the feelings we experience because we are HUMAN. We are not robots. You should be more concerned if you were emotionally unbothered in situations that are meant for a reaction. So with that being said, cry if you need to. Let your emotions run wild. But don’t let it consume you. By that I mean to let yourself feel those emotions in that very moment and recognize how it makes you feel. Then breathe, take a step back, and process. We are naturally wired to react out of emotion almost every time that we don’t actually take the time to recognize and assess. 

Acceptance has been an ongoing struggle for me. There are so many instances where I refuse to let go of what wasn’t in my favor and it ultimately drives me into a spiral that can be difficult trying to dig out of. For so long I’ve always tried to move past my traumas, move past my emotions, and overlook them. I got too comfortable disregarding my own feelings because that is what I allowed. I’m still slowly learning how to accept that not every soul has my heart. Not every individual will reciprocate the same morals or values that I believe in. And you know what, THAT IS OK. I tried to potentially “fix” some relationships throughout my life that already had an expiration. I thought I could change the reality that I didn’t want to believe in. At the end of the day, most people’s intentions are set from the very beginning. We all have trouble accepting the destined fate because we know how much potential there could be. How much we start to believe our fantasized scenarios that convince us that it’s meant to be. People only change when THEY are ready to. Not when you want them to. You cannot fix someone into the individual you fantasize them to be. It’s such a hard lesson to digest but the sooner you realize it’s easier to hold yourself accountable over what’s in YOUR control, the sooner your life will illustrate tranquility. Accept the peace and love the universe is trying to give to you, because you deserve it. Accept change, and opportunities will present themselves. Accept uncomfortability, and you will sprout. Accept the fact that you want to elevate to your highest degree, and you will become unstoppable. Acceptance is what helps us grow into the greatest version of yourself that you’re meant to be. Channel all that energy into yourself, and witness your life transform in the best way possible.


with love always,



disclaimer: we are not licensed professionals. this is by no means any medical advice. what will work for you is not subject to work for other individuals. if you are suffering from a mental illness please seek professional help by alerting a loved one and dialing 988 in a crisis. please dial 911 for emergencies.

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