Falling in love with yourself.

Falling in love with yourself.

The feeling of being able to love someone unconditionally is so scary. It is also one of the best feelings in the entire world. The passion that ignites within you to do anything to fulfill this individual’s heart, put their needs unquestionably before yours, and sacrifice just about anything to reassure that you love them is selflessly energetic. What they don’t tell you is that love comes in many forms…what they also don’t tell you is the same love that you’re capable of giving to someone oh so deserving, also deserves to be given to you, by you.

Love can be blinding. It can also demolish you and create your worst enemy. In my recent experience, I chose people rather than choosing myself. I drained my own energy until I was left with nothing. My whole life I catered to what I thought love was, which is my biggest regret. The love I put out into my relationships was never reciprocated in the same hopeful way. I let “friends” naively dismiss me, and accepted fault when it was never mine. I let my partner make me feel worthless, disrespect me in every way, and made me feel like I was never going to be enough. I let this happen because I thought I was loved. I thought this was how someone was supposed to be loved, because if you got through trenches, the clouds would squander and sunshine would follow, right?

In the last 9 months of my self love journey I learned how to accept my past faults and forgive them. I learned how to let go of people who never chose me. I learned that the people who absolutely love you, will stay. I was captivated by the idea of finding love in every new relationship, every new friendship, that I was missing the most crucial piece. I needed to find love within myself. I am finding love within myself. I have found love within myself and let me tell you, it’s such a magical place to be in life. When nothing phases you to the slightest degree, because I love me more. Channeling all the energy that once emptied me, into my heart and soul, reignited the flame that was always a part of me. I no longer accept the half ass effort, because I know I don’t deserve that. I don’t force energies to align because if it was meant to be, the universe would allow it to happen. I’m in my era of acceptance and self love and anything else that resonates. My intentions are all about making sure I am the highest possible version of myself, because one day the energy will be reciprocated in unimaginable uplifting ways. Choosing myself is the BEST thing I could’ve ever done for me. It’s a constant battle, back and forth, but I am still learning from it. The powerful feeling I have within my soul speaks for itself. I am at the most peace I have ever been in my life, and I have no one to thank but my past experiences that led me to this era of life. I love this for me, and I am going to keep loving me.

I hope one day you find the courage to find love within yourself. Choose love and choose being in love with yourself. Nobody will love you the way you do.


with love always, 


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Alyssa Nava

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