Self Care: Why this needs to be prioritized

Self Care: Why this needs to be prioritized

How often do you feel you feel a burnout coming on? You work full time, you feel as though time is limited, you play many roles in your life that potentially leads to a burnout series. At some point we all experience what it is to have that ‘last straw’ but what could we do to prevent built up congestion of a workload? Self care is an important concept that is not always prioritized. Maybe your idea of self care is a day off work, or maybe it’s taking a walk. Whatever it is, it needs to be implemented into your daily life. By allowing yourself to have alone time can make all the difference when taking away all the stressors from reality, 

Remember that it is OK to take breaks. Take them when you need to, not when you feel the time is right because if we’re being honest, there is never a right time. Listen to your mind, body and soul. What do you need at this moment to reset? What do you need to feel ok? Have you tried to just breathe? Did you take yourself out on a walk? Enjoy the fresh air? There are so many achievable yet simple self care remedies that you can do that will help ease the stressors in your everyday life. Checking out of life for a while is ok. You don't need to figure it out in one day. But it's also important to recognize what you need, and ditch what you don't. You just have to do it. Take care of yourself, be kind to your mind and body. Don’t beat yourself up over things that are out of your control. At the end of the day the only thing that is guaranteed is how you can allow yourself to react. Why work yourself up over anything else? You got this, you are loved.

Ways you can do self care:

  • Go for a walk, get some sunshine
  • Exercise, get that heart rate up
  • Treat yourself to lunch, or with a friend
  • Take a nap
  • Give yourself a facial (yes do your whole skin care routine)
  • Retail therapy….. (that never hurt anyone)
  • Learn a new hobby (youtube is amazing)
  • Start a new book! ( Google has SO MANY free chapters available for your favorite books before you actually commit)
  • Phone a loved one, tell them you love them 
  • Journal it out. I swear writing/typing out my thoughts and feelings has helped me see things from better, more logical, perspectives
  • Pet some puppies??? Boost your serotonin levels!
  • Put your phone down, and enjoy the moment
  • Cook a homemade meal
  • Bake some goodies? My comfort dessert is cinnabon!!
  • Start cleaning??? A clean space is a happy space.
  • Say uplifting affirmations. You are strong. You are capable.
  • Drive with the windows down and the radio up
  • Listen to a podcast. Sometimes hearing someone else speak your thoughts is a real eye opener.
  • Get ready for the day
  • Take a shower and put on your comfiest clothes
  • Light a candle, turn on the diffuser, and dim the lights
  • Wash your bedsheets!!! There’s nothing better than fresh, clean sheets. That sleep is about to be legendary.


Would love to hear on how you prioritize self care. Let me know what you loved or what you're going to try! 

With love always,



