Expressing gratitude. Finding reasoning behind your trauma.

Expressing gratitude. Finding reasoning behind your trauma.

Having gratitude. A concept that is significantly emphasized during this week but how can we practice having gratitude outside of this appointed day of thanks? One thing is certain that I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in without expressing gratitude as often as I do now. Previously, I gave thanks under circumstances when the beneficiaries were in my favor. But, that only got me so far. It wasn’t until my traumas, my past experiences, and my self reflections, shaped gratitude in a way that was beyond just ‘being grateful.’ There was a reason why I experienced the things I did throughout my life, for moments like this when I feel as though I checked another accomplishment off my list. I never pictured in a million years that I would have twothreetwothree and have the opportunity to share my stories to potentially help and relate to so many other individuals that also share similar feelings and emotions. The fact that I have a roof over my head, I have food to eat, and I have a surrounding circle that completely loves me for me. I absolutely couldn't be more grateful. It’s truly the small things that shape us into the gratitude conveying individuals we are meant to be. Suddenly, my problems are no longer important, but the reasoning behind them is. 

There is a lesson to come out of every single experience, every single encounter, every single emotion. To acknowledge and give thanks to how these circumstances contribute to you being the absolute best version of yourself possible. People, situations, and feelings all occur in times of such unexpectancy, but it’s how you dig deeper behind the implications and find the lesson to be taught. The best thing to come out of all the loss, all the hurt that I’ve experienced throughout my life is that this DOES happen for a reason. It’s extremely difficult to process at the moment but you're not supposed to. You’re supposed to feel the ache, the pain, the gruesome loss, to teach you the greatest lesson of all. That you will be okay. You will elevate to a higher degree. You will be ignited by the glimpse of hope and potential of what you can be, and what you’re going to be. You will learn how to be your own light, you will learn how to fulfill the closure you desperately need. Letting go of what doesn’t serve you is a sacrifice that comes with a great deal of seemingly fatality that you will survive, and be grateful you did. 

I’ve never been more grateful to have the opportunity to be so vulnerable with myself and with you all. Learning a whole new meaning of expressing gratitude has helped shape me as the accepting, courageous, inspiring individual I was always meant to be. 

I hope this alleviates some uncertainty as to why and helps you understand the reasoning in your potential. You are needed. You are loved.


with love always,



disclaimer: we are not licensed professionals. this is by no means any medical advice. what will work for you is not subject to work for other individuals. if you are suffering from a mental illness please seek professional help by alerting a loved one and dialing 988 in a crisis. please dial 911 for emergencies.

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