ABOUT 2323

twothreetwothree is a Latina owned small business based out of the beautiful Phoenix, Arizona where our heartfelt intention is to speak to the importance of mental health and well-being. To encourage the spread of love and positivity within one another and most importantly, within yourself. You're a vital part of this journey, and we want you to remember that no matter what you're going through, you are never alone.

The inspiration behind our 2323 collection goes deeper than just aesthetics. It’s all about the powerful symbolism of the angel numbers "2323" and the beautiful messages they carry. When you happen upon these numbers, it's not by chance; it's a reassuring nudge from the universe, a glimpse into the possibilities that lie ahead. It's a gentle reminder that you're never alone, that your guardian angel is by your side


Inspired by the ethereal beauty of angel numbers "2323," our logo holds a deeper meaning that speaks directly to your journey through life. It serves as a gentle reminder that life is a series of interconnected moments, where full circle experiences are bound to occur. Just like the continuous flow of these numbers, your path is filled with opportunities for growth, transformation, and self-discovery. We believe wholeheartedly that you have the incredible capacity to become the best version of yourself, embracing your unique journey with love and positivity.


In a world that often misunderstands the significance of mental health, there is a collection that emerged from a deeply personal journey of healing. It's a journey that encompasses the full spectrum of human emotions. Faith becomes our guiding light, reminding us that growth cannot exist without struggle, and joy will never bloom without the depths of pain. It was out of this beautiful chaos that the collection, lovingly named "twothreetwothree," was born. It is a homage to the power of mental health, a testament to the transformative journey of healing, and an invitation for you to begin on your own path of self-discovery and self-love.